27 Aug 2008

We just got mail from the Belgian-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence:

Dear Nicolas, Tomas and Martijn,
we would like to inform you that your Regular Paper entitled
"Beating Cheating: Dealing with Collusion in the Non-Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma"
is accepted as an oral presentation for the BNAIC 2008 conference.

This paper is a follow-up work on my paper that I presented at the student conference in Utrecht, but to have a paper accepted at this conference is a much bigger scientific honour :) I thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and look forward to meet interesting people on BNAIC at the end of october.

Update 01.11.08: The proceedings are out. I give you  the paper  and the bibtex.

# lastedited 10 Nov 2008
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  on27 Aug 2008 - 22:08 fromJan
Cool! Congratulations. And if you want a dummy audience again: I know a ferry.
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